Jerry Walden Studio 1965-2019
Self-Portrait In Red, ca1968
Artist Proof Self-Portrait, 1968
Self-Portrait with Yellow Teeth, 1970
Self-Portrait, Lost in the Mississippi Delta, 1972
Self-Portrait, Two Views, 1972
Self-Portrait, Nude, with Candle, Looking for a Way, 1972
Self-Portrait as a Spooked Artist, the Gravity of It All, Y'all, 1972
Self-Portrait, 1972
Self-Portrait as a Model for Crucifixion Painting Study, 1972
Self-Portrait as a Crucified Artist With Green Eyes, ca1972
Floyd's in the Buford!, 1973
Untitled Self-portrait (In a Propeller Beanie), 1973
Untitled Self-Portrait (On The Toilet), ca1973
Self-Portrait as St. Jerome, 1974
Self-Portrait as a Delta Planter, 1975
Red Faced, 1975
Table Scraps, 1975
Self-Portrait as Pigeon Coach, 1971-1975
Self-Portrait as Keeper of Measurements, ca1975
Dismembering Self-Portrait, 1975
Self-Portrait, 1975
Untitled Self-Portrait (Tester), 1975
Thoughts Of Rome, ca1976
Untitled Self-Portrait, 1976
Jerry, Floyd, Looking at Duncan's Piece, 1976
S.P. in Corinth, 1976
Self-Portrait As A Combat Artist, 1976
Via Crucis (Self-portrait with Four Other Drunks Observing the Cross on the Way to the Crucifixion), 1976-2006
Self Portrait, ca 1977
Self Portrait, June 1, 1977, 1977
Roll Up, 1977
Self-Portrait As A Fanatic For Asparagus Crepes, 1978
Untitled (Self-Portrait With Family), ca1978
Self-Portrait as Attic Head, 1978
Self-Portrait as Artist at Work in Studio, 1978
Untitled Self-Portrait (Behind Bars), ca1978
Self-Portraits: From the Self-Portrait as the Edi Amin of Home Maintenance and from the Ecstatic, Prize-Winning Cowboy Sculptor, Riding the Last Painting Stretcher into the Ground, 1978
Untitled Self-Portrait (With Delta Head), ca1978
Self-Portrait as the Real Me, 1978
Self-Portrait as the Real Me, 1978
Self-Portrait as the Real Me, 1978
Self-Portrait as the Real Me, 1978
Self-Portrait as the Real Me, 1979
Self-Portrait as the Real Me, 1979
Self-Portrait as the Real Me, 1979
Self-Portrait Shaping Affairs, 1979
Untitled Self-Portrait (In Orange Uniform), ca1979
Self-Portrait As A Captain In The Art Army, 1979
Self-Portrait as the Edi Amin of Home Maintenance, 1979
Self-Portrait, Under a Dark Sun, 1980
Self-Portrait, Thinking about Thinking the Big Thoughts, 1980
Self-Portrait Casting A Shadow the Wrong Way Man, 1980
Self-Portrait at 39 I, 1980
Self-Portrait at 39 II, 1980
Self-Portrait at 39 III, 1980
Self-Portrait, Stuck in Mississippi Mud, 1980
Self-Portrait, Teaching Job Hunting at CAA, 1980
Self-Portrait as a Head Piece on Exhibit, 1980
Untitled (Self-Portrait as a Head Piece on Exhibit 2), 1980
Untitled Self-Portrait (as a Footballer), 1980
Self-Portrait as Crucified Artist as Sky Pilot, 1980
Self-Portrait as Cross-Bearing Possum Eater, 1980
Self-Portrait as Crucified Artist, 1980
Self-Portrait as USAF Veteran Who Never Made It to Barrington AFS, Nova Scotia, 1980
Go West, Young Man, 1980
Self-Portrait as Crucified Artist/Teacher Looking West, 1980
Self-Portrait as a USAF Veteran, 1980
Untitled Self-Portrait (In Hot Jumpsuit), ca1980
Untitled Self-Portrait (Standing In Pink), ca1980
Self, Awaiting The Call To W. Tex., 1980
Self-Portrait Dreaming of West Texas, 1980
Self-Portrait As A Venetian Brigadier In Charge Of Icebergs And Salutes To Texas, 1980
Self, Awaiting The Call To Dallas..., 1980
Untitled Self-Portrait (Hattiesburg Or Bust), ca1980
Self-Portrait Before Birth, 1982
Self-Portrait As A Villian [sic], 1984
Self Portrait, 1997
Self-Portrait as a New Yorker, 2002
© 2025 The Estate of Jerry Walden. All rights reserved.